15% Discount on all BATH BOMB BARISTA products at all 3 Grotto Aesthetics locations
by Bath Bomb Barista April 26, 2023
Bath Bomb Barista was indeed pleased. It had been an eventful weekend. She didn't bother to sleep Friday night. She met with the Unix Guru and the Marketing Goddess Saturday morning. Website shakedown - GO.
Marketing Goddess supported her original idea for packing when she this idea first started to bubble 10 years ago. Then they turned their attention to current Go To Market strategy. - GO
Bath Bomb Barista met with the Board of Directors (BOD) in the afternoon. The Board was impressed with the progress that she had made so far, well done. "However, the litmus test is when bbbarista.com receives an order. The 10 cube order via Point of Sale (POS) was good and will cover the Shopify platform subscription cost next month but the order did not come through the website and therefore you did not knock it out of the park."
"You are absolutely correct [pause]" . The team had six 6 more days before the Drop Dead delivery date. Getting an order in was not an issue nor was it a risk. She went for what she really wanted. "In 20 calendar days we proved that the POC work and doesn't choke. What we still need to determine is can Bath Bomb Barista be a sustainable business at 20 hours a week for one person now that platform is in place. In order to scale to the next level effectively the team must document, analyze, and augment Bath Bomb Barista's full end to end supply chain for maximum throughput. We can have that for your review by end of Qtr 2/23 as well as all the current production and inventory numbers. Do I have a GO? - GO
Sunday she and Lady Danger met for 3 hours. Lady Danger was an Accountant turned Data Scientist. What a fantastic skill set ;).
And right now it was time to open some champagne.
Bath Bomb Barista took a sip of champagne and channeled her very best Pamela Landy from Bourne Supremacy and said to no one in particular. "Listen, people - do you have any idea who you're dealing with? This is Jason Bourne. You are nine hours behind the toughest target you have ever tracked. Now I want everyone to sit down, strap in, and turn on all you've got. (No one moves.) That would mean now!"